Take a long hard long at the Police and even more at the person themselves if you know them individually and you will see over the coming years a sudden change in them.
What do i mean ?
Well being Civil Servants, they will be forced to have a vaccination if they wish to keep their jobs which of course the majority will do and inside the vaccine will be DNA altering chemicals and this will make them subserviant to a higher power without them even realising it.
It will probably be a designed response to a particular frequency which can be triggered at a moments notice, this will enable a person to switch on this frequency and then speak words such as a meeting or briefing and then the people in that meeting will be under their spell and will do what they are told and even lay down their lives without even realising it.
This way, the Eites will always be protected by forces completely under their control.
This is not far fetched at all, insects even do it today.
Event 101
Agenda 21